Season 6 of Game of Thrones ended on a fairly high note, and now begins the time we dread the most: waiting for the next season to be shot, edited and released to that we can scratch that Game of Thrones itch. With only 13 episodes left in the entire story, Season 7 should only have 7 episodes airing in 2017. In addition, now that the white ravens from the Citadel in Oldtown have confirmed that Winter has arrived in Westeros, shooting schedules have been shifted towards the fall/winter time, unlike the summer/fall time as it had been for the last 6 years (With the exception of the scenes shot “Beyond the Wall” in Iceland).
It’s also the time when rumors and speculations run rampant. Here, we’ll collect the ones that are obvious along with the ones that are most plausible. More will be added as news unveil…
12 – Daenerys Does NOT Sit On The Iron Throne

Remember that vision Daenerys had in the House of the Undying in Season 2? (The show vision, not the book ones which are completely different) She walks in the Throne room at the Red Keep in Winter, which appears to have been burnt down. Whether Cersei triggers another Wildfire explosion, or Dany’s dragons do it (more likely as previously discussed) is yet to be revealed. As she walks towards the throne, she tends her hand towards it, almost reaching it, but never touching it, just before being distracted by the sound of her captured baby dragons.
Many speculations point towards the symbolism of that small scene where she will get close to the throne, but will never grasp it, never sit on it, never rule the Seven Kingdoms which she has been set on taking back since the entire story started.
11 – Kings Landing On Fire

The most obvious since this vision has already been foreshadowed twice before in the show. Bran saw this vision on the Ironwood Tree in Season 3 and 6, and Daenerys saw a burnt throne room during her visions at the House of the Undying (The show version – they are VERY different in the books). So here are the three hints to consider this (almost too obvious) plot:
- A vision of a Dragon flying over Kings Landing (Bran)
- A vision of a burnt Throne Room in Winter (Daenerys)
- Confirmed depositories of Wildfire scattered all across the capital, the one under the Sept of Baelor having been used by the new Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, Cersei Lannister to wipe out her enemies.
Daenerys’ Dragon(s) might be the catalyst that triggers more Wildfire, particularly the ones under the Red Keep, and make the entire city burn to the ground. Should this happen, it might actually change the angle where Daenerys is the villain invader, burning the city with her dragons and pillaging it with her armies of Dothraki and Unsullied.
10 – Euron Greyjoy Cersei Lannister Alliance

When word of a Tyrell/Martell/Greyjoy/Targaryen Fleet with Dragons is headed to Kings Landing, the new Queen of the Seven Kingdoms is not likely to rest on her laurels. Cersei would clearly see the Sand Snakes as traitors that killed their prince, and the Greyjoys as thieves who stole and fled from the Iron Islands after their uncle Euron had been officially and legally elected. Yet, hundreds, if not thousands of ships are headed for her city. As much as it is known not to trust the Ironborn, the Greyjoy Rebellion being a good example why, one of her only choices would be to unite with the newly elected King of The Iron Islands, hell bent on building “A Thousand Ships” so he can “Offer the world” to those who elected him.
Whether Euron approaches Cersei or Cersei sends Jaime on her behalf is yet to be determined. But having Euron Greyjoy being introduced in the 6th Season, even though he and his brother Victarion were to appear around the 3rd and 4th one can only confirm that his presence is of primordial importance to the story.
9 – Ironborn Naval Battle

The Battle of Blackwater was an Epic battle involving ships, but it mostly involved Ships invading a stationary defensive city. Now that Yara and Theon Greyjoy have aligned their ships with Daenerys, and that their uncle Euron Greyjoy has most probably aligned his 1,000 brand new ships with Cersei, we could expect an battle at sea of epic proportion. Think “Master And Commander” but in “Game Of Thrones” with Greyjoys vs. Greyjoys, each fighting for their queen.
This battle just might be the high note of the season, just like Blackwater was in Season 2, or the Battle of Castle Black in Season 4, or the Battle of the Bastards in Season 6. Now add the Dragons in the battle, and the Siege of Mereen in the Season 6 Finale might just be a snippet compared to the mayhem and destruction that this battle could potentially carry.
Another rumor states that Yara gets captured, tortured, and ultimately killed by her uncle at this battle. Let’s hope we would have had some action between her and Daenerys before hand…
8 – Daenerys And Yara Get It On
The flirting between Yara and Daenerys in the Mereen Throne Room was enough to rile the fans up. Given that it was confirmed that both Daenerys and Yara are aggressive and confident women when it comes to handling their sexuality, whichever gender they go for, it wouldn’t come as a surprise to have these two go fully at it, most probably on the boat sailing to Westeros, or before a battle ahead of them.
7 – Dothrakis And Unsullied Fight Side By Side In Kings Landing
One of the recent casting calls for Season 7, according to Watchers on the Wall was for a “Tall muscularly intimidating man, ideally of Middle Eastern origins”. This has Dothraki written all over it. Add that to another casting call in Spain for extras willing to shave their head and beards, and we now have an army of Unsullied ready to fight. Spain would also be used as a location for the outskirts of Kings Landing, where a battle between Daenerys’ army of Dothrakis and Unsullied battle against Lannister, and maybe even Iron Born sworn to Euron, soldiers.
6 – Daenerys Visits The Dragonpit In Kings Landing

One of the leaked locations in Spain to come out was San Juan de Gaztelugatxe in Spain. A large hill by the sea, this location would serve as a perfect spot for the Dragonpit atop Rhaenys Hill in Kings Landing. The Dragonpit was where the Targaryen Dragons were kept and bred after Aegon I had conquered Westeros.
Many believed that having the dragons confined there is what progressively had them become smaller, and eventually extinct. Two lines, both uttered by Lannisters come to mind: “The Last Dragon was the size of a cat” Tywin Lannister tells his grandson Joffrey Baratheon during his counsel in Season 3. “Dragons do not do well in captivity” Tyrion tells Grey Worm and Missandei in Season 6 before releasing them from their chains.
This could be a hint that Danerys will be reaching Kings Landing in the 7th Season, and could be heading to the Dragonpit at some point to visit where her ancestors kept, and eventually killed the beasts on their sigils.
5 – Jorah Looks (Maybe Finds) A Cure For His Grayscale

Actor Ian Glenn has been spotted in Belfast where most, if not all indoor scenes are shot. Last we checked Ser Friendzone, he had confessed his love for Daenerys after rescuing her a second time. He chose to self banish himself after showing her his grayscale. Daenerys ordered him to heal himself and come back to her side after. It would make sense for stubborn and love struck Jorah to actually go with it. Stannis confirmed to his daughter Shereen that her Grayscale was healed before it could kill her, so the possibility for Jorah to heal himself is there.
The one place we’re likely to see again in Season 7 for Jorah to go and try to get healed is most likely Qarth! The entire storyline had been completely changed from its book counterpart. For one, Daenerys never met nor discussed with Quaithe, only Jorah. Her words to him, as she was tattooing/marking someone in Qarth were: “This man must sail past Old Valyria. All who travel too close to the Doom must have protection”. She was preparing the man to head through Valyria safely, most likely to immunize him from Grayscale. Jorah might remember those words, and go there to seek a cure for the disease before it consumes him.
4 – Jorah (If Cured) Unites The North With Daenerys

Let’s Assume Jorah gets healed and returns to Daenerys to continue serving her, how could he be of service? Well, with the North having proclaimed another King in the North in the White Wolf, Jon Snow, Daenerys could find a union or alliance with the Northerners to be of aid in her conquest of the Seven Kingdoms. Before being banished by Ned Stark for selling Slaves, Jorah was the heir apparent of House Mormont. After he shamed his family, his father Jeor chose to take the Black and became the Lord Commander of the Nights Watch, handing the seat to his sister Maege Mormont. Maege died at the Red Wedding while standing with Robb Stark during the War of Five Kings, and hence the house is now under the control of her daughter, the fierce and new fan favorite character, Lyanna Mormont.
Jorah and Jon could connect on having Jeor as a father figure to them. In any case, the possibility is there for Jorah to return to his ancestral home, not to regain it per se, but rather to try and talk the Northerners into uniting with Daenerys Targaryen and her Dragons. Her Dragons could come in handy for the Northerners as well (for the entire realm actually), in order to fight the White Walkers and the Army of Wights about to march South.
3 – Sansa Is Pregnant With Ramsey’s Child

That would be a huge twist for Sansa’s storyline if the case. Two hints in Season 6 are pointing towards that. After she escapes Winterfell and confronts Littlefinger in Mole Town, Sansa describes the horror she suffered at the hands of Ramsey Bolton while married to him. She specifically said: “I can still feel what he did to my body standing here right now”. When she confronts a captive Ramsey after the Battle of the Bastards, his words to her are: “You can’t kill me. I am part of you now”.
It could be dismissed as Trauma/PTSD in the first case, and in the second case, the “Part of you” could symbolize Sansa turning sadistic like Ramsey as she enjoys watching the kennels eat him out. Nevertheless, these two can also be heavy foreshadowing of Sansa being pregnant with Ramsey’s seed, and what to do with it becomes a source of tension between her and Jon.
2 – Littlefinger Turns Sansa Against Jon

That look Littlefinger gives Sansa as Jon is being proclaimed the new King in the North by the Lords of the North and the Vale says enough. Before that, he came out clean to her, admitting his ultimate plan and motivations all along: to sit on the Iron Throne with her by his side. But not before reminding her that Jon is her “Half” Brother.
Sansa and Jon already had a few arguments since their reunion in Season 6, particularly before the Battle of the Bastards. Sansa might feel, given her time and experience in Kings Landing, and under Littlefinger’s care, that she is more proficient to Politics than Jon, more proficient at War, could ever be. This could result in either a Northern Civil War, with some Houses rooting for Jon, others for Sansa, or worse: The North under Jon getting at odds with the Vale who could side with Sansa given her relationship to the current Lord of the Eerye, Robyn Arryn (Jon has no Tully ties whatsoever).
1 – Gendry And Arya Reunite

Gendry is, in the show anyway, the last living Baratheon, despite being one of Robert’s bastards. With Stannis now confirmed dead, House Baratheon is, as far as the other noble houses in Westeros look at it, extinct. Gendry had been made aware of his heritage when he was Stannis’ captive in season 3. Davos chose to not have the boy sacrificed by Melisandre and set him free. He has been rowing freely for the last 3 seasons now, even sparking a meme: the Rowing Gendry meme.
That meme will die off next season, since actor Joe Dempsie who portrayed the Baratheon bastard has been spotted in Belfast in the Fall, and with no other significant filming projects explaining him being there. George R.R Martin has also confirmed that Gendry and Arya would reunite in the books. Most likely that D&D chose to give the viewers this much awaited reunion as well, as it would greatly contribute in Arya’s arc. Maybe it will level her down from her killing rampage, and her line to him in Season 3 “You are my family” will come into play into giving her a sense of belonging she has been desperate for ever since leaving Winterfell in Season 1.
“Arya’s ark” you mean her arc, as ark is a large boat.
I wonder if GRRM is changing his book narrative to match HBO’s (where he can)? We can never know for sure but he could be making changes to his story. A real shame.
The writer is clearly not a Daenerys fan.
I do my best to stay unbiased. But signs are signs my friend…. LOL
(in reply to Sam)“Primordial importance”? What?
10 Game of Thrones filming locations you can visit
Have you ever thought of taking a trip to where your favorite blockbuster movie, TV Drama or series was filmed? For most people, this looks like a far-fetched idea, but that is not the case when it comes to Game of Thrones. The Game of Thrones is by far one of the most enthralling American fantasies Drama well known for its gory death scenes. Game of Thrones is based on the book by George R.R Martin. It is well known for its bloodbaths, violent and some of the best scenes. However, one thing that will strike you out is the real-life setting of the lands of fire, ice much more. They are a lot more tranquil, and peaceful making lovers of the drama want to visit there. check the 10 Game of Thrones filming locations.
I think at some point Arya will be riding one of the dragons after talking to Tywin Lannister about how the historic women who rode them were her heroines. Also, she should be the one to attack King’s Landing so she can fry Cersei and broil The Mountain in his armor, thus getting them off her list.
A Stark will win the Game of Thrones!
Don’t you mean Joe Dempsie returning as Gendry
DEAD in the books (thru a Dance of Dragons) but ALIVE on the TV show: Jon Snow & Sandor Clegane.
ALIVE in the books but DEAD on the show: Barristan Selmy, Margary Tyrell, Mace Tyrell, Loras Tyrell, Doran Martell, Tommen Baratheon, Mycella Baratheon, Tristane Martell, Rikkon Stark, Roose Bolton, Ramsey Bolton, High Septon. Maybe more?
George has a lot of catching up to do!!!!
Also ALIVE in the books but DEAD on the show: Silver the horse, Mago, Khal Drogo’s bloodrider, Irrri and Rhakaro, Xaro Xhoan Daxos, Rob Stark’s Wife (different character), Stannis!!! (and his family)… a lot in deed!
(in reply to FredQ)Nymeria and Arya reunion, come on.
I still haven’t seen as many episodes of GOT as you guys have but judging from your post this TV series is indeed fascinating since at present it already has 7 seasons and another due next year right? I got so busy for the past years that is why I haven’t been this updated but now that I have lots of free time I am definitely gonna catch up.