The Princesses of Westeros

While we already looked into a Disney Version Of Game Of Thrones, we here have an excellent adaptation of our favorite women in Game of Thrones specifically re-imagined as Disney Princesses this time.
Artist Sam Tsui also known as DjeDjehuti on DeviantArt made those stunning looking renditions of Game of Thrones Characters as Classic Disney Princesses.
Someone needs to pitch this idea to Disney Studios with a complex change in violence, language, and sex scenes. Totally doable, right?
Ariel as Melisandre

Seeing our favorite Disney redhead (I still love you, Merida) dressed as The Red Witch has me singing “wish I could be part of your world”. What a great mashup.
Aurora as Cersei

Aurora is a much sweeter and pleasant princess than Cersei ever was, but you can’t deny how much she looks like her in this.
Belle and Margeary

Belle is a perfect Margaery – kind, sweet, beautiful, and graceful. Even though she gets her happily-ever-after with her handsome prince, we can all pretend Margaery lives on through her because of this picture.
Cinderella as Catelyn Stark

Our favorite mother is portrayed by our favorite step-daughter. Hard working, honest, and loyal, Catelyn and Cinderella do have somethings in common – except the hair color.
Elsa as Daeneys

The Mother of Dragons takes a cold turn in this picture as Elsa. Their elemental differences aside, they do look like they could be sisters from different misters. …Wait. Can we confirm that they are not related at all?! Come on, Disney…
Grandma Fa as Olenna Tyrell

My two favorite grandmas mashed up into one. My day, month, and year has been made. Their personalities are very similar and they’re both highly loveable. Oh, Lady Olenna… You are missed.
Jasmine as Ellaria Sand

Gorgeous, exotic, and partnered with beautiful men – Jasmine and Ellaria might as well be the same person, with one tiny exception – Jasmine is much less petty and vengeful than Ellaria was.
Lilo as Arya Stark

Lilo and Arya are both spunky, morbid, and dark little girls. One of Disney’s only young girl protagonists, these two are an excellent mashup as well.
Merida as Ygritte

Wild red curls, badass attitude, awesome accent, excellent aiming with a bow and arrow… Ygritte is Merida, and Merida is Ygritte.
Mulan as Brienne

Yes. Even though we don’t witness Brienne’s early years and struggles, she did go through a lot to become the respected knight that she is. She didn’t have to lie about being a woman like Mulan did, but these ladies show the world that women can do the same (if not more) as any man can. So much yes.
Rapunzel as Sansa Stark

Who better to portray Sansa, who’s been locked up in a tower time after time, oppressed by abusers and had a pretty tough life, than Rapunzel? She also knows how that feels, and has magnificent hair as well.
Snow White as Shae

The illustration is beautiful, but there’s a reason why I’m giggling a little at the artist’s choice. These two have nothing in common, except they both seem to really like having dwarves around… Ha.
Tiana as Meera Reed

You may be scratching your head at this one, but here’s what the artist himself had to say:”Meera is of course the spunky girl helping Bran and crew reach the three-eyed raven north of the wall — The Reeds are the rulers of the Cranogmen, who live in the swamps and marshes and are sometimes called ‘frog-eaters’ — so I figured this Tiana, a bayou beauty herself, would be a perfect fit!”