With the Premiere about to air on April 24th 2016, HBO has released yet another batch of pictures to promote the season’s first episode. These should give us a good glimpse of what to expect when the 51st episode of the series begins…
In The North

These photos take us right where the season 5 finale left us: Theon pushed Myranda from the Ramparts in Winterfell, and helped Sansa escape while Ramsey was fighting Stannis.

If we judge by one of the clips that was released by HBO, they have hounds after them, so hiding in the forest is not a wise move for neither of them

Which is why they end up crossing what is most likely an ice cold river to throw off the kennel’s senses

Theon helps Sansa cross the river

Meanwhile in Winterfell, Ramsey mourns over a dead Myranda. Maybe he’s not so heartless after all…
In Kings Landing

The Dornish ship with Jaime Lannister, Bronn and a poisoned Myrcella Baratheon returns to the capital.

Cersei is looking rather grimm. She had just been humiliated by the Faith Militant in the Season 5 Finale, and it seems that Maggy’s Prophecy is turning true once more with her second child dead.

Jaime comforts his sister, his queen, his lover…
In Essos

The Dothraki horde rides in the Dothraki Sea towards their Holy City of Vaes Dothrak

Daenerys Targaryen, once a Khaleesi to the Dothraki, is being held captive by the Dothraki.

Meet Khal Moro, the new Khal of the Dothraki that replaced Daenerys’ late husband Khal Drogo

The new Khal is looking rather hostile towards his former Khaleesi. The Dothraki only follow strength, and he most likely sees none in her at this moment. Just a common slave woman

Things might get tense between Daenerys and the Dothraki this season…
In Dorne

The Prince of Dorne, Doran Martell confronts his late brother Oberyn’s Paramour Nymeria Sand with regards to Myrcella Baratheon’s poisoning. “We Don’t Hurt Little Girls In Dorne!”
In Braavos

A blind Arya doesn’t see the Waif about to attack her with her stick. That was also in one of the 3 official clips released by HBO.
In Mereen

Tyrion Lannister and Varys walk in the streets of Mereen, perhaps to get an understanding of the city they plan to rule while Daenerys Targaryen is gone missing.