We see it in almost every scene in Game of Thrones. We hear about it very often. It has killed the entirety of House Frey and it’s Queen Cersei’s most favorite companion. Some viewers might even had it while watching some episodes (guilty as charged). What am I talking about, you ask?
Lovely red wine, of course. Whether characters are scheming, killing each other, strategizing, celebrating or just getting together, wine has always been there. It’s been a part of so many scenes, both important ones and fillers, it might as well be an extra character in the series.
What better way to incorporate wine and its glamour other than making beautiful Game of Thrones artwork with it? Sanja Jankovic, a very talented Serbian artist, has made gorgeous wine art out of Game of Thrones characters. Why don’t you pour yourself a nice glass of Cabernet Sauvignon or Merlot, sit back, and enjoy these immortal, winetastic, and glorious painting?
Tyrion Lannister aka “The God Of T*ts & Wine

“That’s what I Do: I Drink and I Know Things!” These were the true words spoken by Tyrion Lannister, Daenerys’ Hand of the Queen. It’s been a few episodes since we last saw Tyrion actually partake in some wine, but that’s all he’d do up to season six.
Cersei Lannister Drinks Wine

Queen Cersei can always be found drinking a glass of wine. Some would agree that wine is the only other thing she loves more than her children – and that it could inevitably play a part in her demise.
The Hound

Sandor Clegane. The Hound. His favorite word is the c-word, and he’s now a completely changed man. Much like Cersei, he’s gone through a lot of change from his original Lannister Guard to his current Lord of Light vision-man mode. Though it’s hard to call him beautiful, but this painting does do him justice in the looks department.
The Weirwood Tree

We’ve seen the Heart Tree in the Godswood of Winterfell. It’s a weirwood tree, which are known for having a blood-red sap that secretes from the trunks, making it seem like a crying, bloody face. The level of attention to details in this beautiful painting really brings out the crying face and the does justice to its twisted and various branches.
Daenerys Targaryen

The Mother of Dragons has always been beautiful, but you’d be lying if she didn’t look even better painted in wine. Pictured here with her Dothraki horse and the Targaryen House symbol behind her, this symbolizes all she represents – nobility and a strong leader of people in Essos.
Cersei Drinks Wine 2.0

Queen Cersei seems to be pondering her next move in the earlier seasons of the show – her hair is still long and flowy, braided, her face is a little softer. This is a great way of capturing her fierceness and unwillingness to share what’s going on in her mind.
Tywin Lannister

Love him or hate him, Tywin was an excellent leader. Regardless of how obnoxious his methods were, he’d always finish what he started, tie loose ends, and pay his debts. Though he met a very crappy end (pun intended, you’re very welcome), he’s forever immortalized in what two of his three children love to partake in – wine.
Cersei Drinking Wine 3.0

Though she’s pure evil, Cersei is still beautiful and this painting captures it very well, especially before she had her long, golden hair chopped off and paraded at the end of season five. Now, older and definitely more bitter, Cersei’s face is stuck in a frown and a real smile is beyond rare. Not that she really smiled before, but her expressions have definitely hardened over time.