The Skywalkers & The Lannisters

Nothing like brotherly and sisterly love, whether in Westeros or in a Galaxy Far Far Away…
Richard Karstark & Anakin Skywalker

They were only kids…
Davos Seaworth & Han Solo

Han Solo doesn’t care what the Onion Knight thinks…
Joffrey Baratheon & Emperor Palpatine

Who is worse between those 2?
Lando Clarissian & Walder Frey

At least one tried to redeem himself…
Chewbacca & Hodor

Imagine adding Groot from “Guardians Of The Galaxy” to this conversation…
The Hound & Darth Vader

Touched By Fire…
Luke & Yoda vs. Bran & Hodor

Carry Bran, Must Hodor Do…
Jon Snow & First Order Stormtrooper FN-2199

For The First Order!
Tyrion Lannister & Luke Skywalker

Fathers Day Just Around The Corner…
Bronn & Luke Skywalker

A Sellsword vs. A Jedi Knight…
Beric Danderrion & Darth Vader

The Fire Rises…
Anakin Skywalker, Jaime Lannister, Luke Skywalker, Varys and Theon Greyjoy

They All Made The Cut!
Joffrey Baratheon & Jar Jar Binks

Who do you hate the most out of these 2?
The Hound, Anakin Skywalker, Viserys Targaryen, Beru Whitesun Owen Lars

Touched by fire (Again)
Brothers Of The Nights Watch & Han Solo

And now their watch begins…
Admiral Ackbar & Catelyn Stark

Thank You Captain Obvious!
Army Of Clones

Masters and Slaves
The White Walkers…

Who would win?