Battles are a key component of the HBO Series Game of Thrones, as well as its source material, the “A Song Of Ice And Fire” series. We had previously covered The 15 Best Weapons In Game Of Thrones, but those were limited to handheld ones, or at the very least, weapons for one on one combat. Here, we look at 11 tools of warfare that can give an edgy advantage to the house that uses it in battle.
11 – The Scythe On The Wall

When a pack of wildlings was caught climbing the wall during the battle of Castle Black, the Watchers on the Wall used their final trump card on them once all other wildlings had been killed or sent off: The Scythe. A large metal anchor sized scythe attached by a large chain and dropped off to scrape any and everything that stands on the wall.

It didn’t look good for these wildlings in the end.
10 – Wildfire

Many Targaryen Kings, the Mad King in particular, were obsessed with Wildfire after the last Dragon had died 100 years prior to the events of the show. A substance that can “melt wood, stone, steel and of course, flesh”, it can have pretty devastating results when used in battle.

Tyrion Lannister, as acting Hand of the King in season 2, has wildfire made in order to stop Stannis’ fleet at Blackwater Bay. It is estimated that more than 5,000 of Stannis’ men died during that blast.
09 – Giant’s Arrow

When the wildlings have giants that ride mammoths that can tear the gates that connect Castle Black to the lands beyond the wall, the Nights Watch needs a weapon to stop them. What better than this gigantic crossbow built with the sole purpose of impaling giants that get too close to the gates.

Magg’s friend took an arrow to the chest…
08 – Poison

A “Woman’s weapon” as it’s often attributed in the show, yet many character fall victim to them, most notably King Joffrey Baratheon at his own wedding, and Gregor Clegane after his combat against Oberyn Martell. With so many types of poisons such as Manticore, The Strangler,Wolfsbane, Basilisk Venom, Widow’s Blood, Tears of Lys, and many more
07 – The Stark’s Direwolves

Not only is the Direwolf the sigil of House Stark, it is also the most loyal companion each Stark children, even Jon Snow, has. Whether warged into or not, the direwolves make great weapons to use in the battlefield as showcased with Robb Stark’s wolf Grey Wind, and Jon Snow’s one Ghost. They also make great guards as Bran’s direwolf Summer proved after attacking the assassin sent to kill him in Season 1. They become even deadlier when they are warged into…
06 – Greyjoy’s Kraken (Rumored)

While we haven’t seen any Kraken in neither the books nor the show, the book keeps mentioning rumours of Euron Greyjoy being able to summon a large Kraken from the bottom of the sea via the Magic he can use. A long shot that would make the dynamics of the show more interesting should such a creature exist. (But then why wasn’t it used during The Greyjoy Rebellion?)
05 – Unsullied Fighters

The Unsullied are renowned throughout the entire know world for their discipline and effectiveness. There is an ancient story of 3,000 Unsullied defeating more than 18,000 Dothraki fighters by holding the line. In an open field, they have the utmost advantage over any other army. The same cannot be said of them when in close quarters and confined spaces as showcased in Mereen during season 5.
04 – Reanimated Wights

The White Walkers have the biggest advantage over any other army in Westeros: any dead man from the opposite army that’s not burned can be re-animated and turn into a wight for them to use in battle.

03 – Giants From Beyond The Wall

Their lineage dates back from even before the First Men, yet there aren’t many of them left. Giants roam with the wildlings under Mance Rayder beyond the wall. Their size and strength offer clear advantages when confronting regular humans. Even their weapons’ larger sizes can come in handy

Now THAT had to hurt…..
02 – Warged Animal/Hodor

In the books, all the Starks children can “warg” their own direwolf. The show decided to only have Bran wield that power and skinchange into Summer when he needs to scout an area. His power is intense enough that he can even warg into the mind of Hodor and control the simple but kind giant on a destructive path, as he showed the mutineers at Craster’s Keep.
01 – Dragons

The ultimate tool of destruction in the World of Ice and Fire. They’ve allowed the Targaryens to rule over Westeros over 3 centuries, and have now made a comeback in Essos under Daenerys Targaryen. And they are only getting larger and larger, allowing them to cause even more mayhem and destruction.