Family is one, if the not the most important element in “Game of Thrones” and the “A Song Of Ice And Fire” Series it’s inspired from. While we may have witnessed some terrible fathers in the series, there are a some patriarchal figures that redeem themselves through either their kindness, their honor, and the love they bear for their children. Despite the challenge that finding them all entailed, we bring you 10 positive father figures present in Game of Thrones:
10 – Rickard Stark

What Makes Him A Good Father:
– Honorable Man
– Marched For His Daughter & Family’s Honor
The Warden of the North during the last Targaryen reign whose death would be the spark that ignites Robert Baratheon’s Rebellion against the Crown. We only got to see a glimpse of him during a Flashback Vision of Bran. He tells his young son Ned, who’s about to head to the Eyrie to train under Jon Arryn (where he would meet and befriend the future king, Robert Baratheon, there for the exact same reason). As one would expect from a Stark, Lord Rickard was known as a kind and honorable man. The capture of his daughter Lyanna at the hands of the heir to the throne Rhaegar Targaryen would lead him to his death in Kings Landing where he sought justice from the Mad King.
09 – Doran Martell

What Makes Him A Good Father:
– Smart & Strategic Leader (In The Books At Least)
– Loving Father To His Son (Sons & Daughter In The Books)
Another character that we didn’t see much of in the show, contrary to the books, Prince Doran Martell of Dorne is another peaceful and honorable father who taught these virtues to his son, and future heir, Trystane. In the books however, he has 3 children, including a daughter Arianne who attempts to avenge Oberyn’s death at the hands of the Mountain; a role that was given to his paramour Ellaria Sand instead in the series. Prince Doran from the books is known as a smart, calculating and strategic man, akin to Tywin Lannister. The show decided on the other hand to forgo this portion of the series, and have him killed in the opening episode of the 6th season.
08 – Mace Tyrell

What Makes Him A Good Father:
– Willing To Cause Mayhem For His Children’s Safety
– Rather Dumb But Caring Father
While he does have buffoonish qualities, Mace Tyrell does not play around when it comes to the safety of his family. While he was sent to Braavos under Royal decree, both his children got captured and imprisoned by the Faith Militant. Upon his return, he summoned his army and was ready to attack the Faith and cause Carnage in the capital. All for the safety and honor of his children, especially his daughter, Queen Margaery.
07 – Davos Seaworth

What Makes Him A Good Father:
– Humble & Intelligent Man
– Perfect Balance Of Love And Duty
Starting with humble beginnings in Gin Alley, to eventually being anointed by Stannis Baratheon for his bravery during the Siege of Storm’s End, and subsequently becoming his Hand should he have taken the Iron Throne, Davos Seaworth has had a tumultuous path so far. He was most proud of his son Matthos and guided him all the way. Davos, of all the characters in the story, is great adviser and a loyal man to have on one side. The same can be said about the love he had for his son. Sadly, Tyrion Lannister’s Wildfire trick would put an end to this relationship.
06 – Samwell Tarly

– Loves Unconditionally
– Risked His Own Safety For Someone Else’s Son
While he has not fathered any children, Samwell Tarly is a great father to Gilly’s son. She even refers to him as such during their journey from the Wall to Oldtown. He is sworn to protect both Gilly and Little Sam, and arranged to have them stay in his home of Hornhill where he knew they would leave a peaceful and safer life than in the North. Unfortunately, the meanness of his father Randyll made him reconsider his decision, and made him take them both with him no matter where their journey takes them.
05 – Gregor Forrester

– Honorable & Kind
A lot of you might wonder who this Lord Forrester is? While the Forrester family does not appear in the show, they are the main protagonist of the video game “Game of Thrones: A Telltale Games Series”. The game is canon to the show and follows its exact storyline. We meet Lord Gregor Forrester at the Red Wedding, the Forrester being loyal to House Stark, and are introduced to his kind and honorable way towards his son Rodrick, and his Squire Gared, 2 other playable character in the game. As we grow fond of the Honorable Northman, the game follows the same strategy as the show whose story it follows, and has him killed by Frey and Bolton men as the massacre of the Red Wedding occurs. Being both Honorable and from the North doesn’t work in Westeros…
04 – Lord Commander Jeor Mormont

What Makes Him A Good Father:
– Honorable & Kind Man
– Great Leader
The Mormont, as proclaimed by their current leader Lyanna, is a proud and loyal house. Jeor decided to take the Black and leave the seat to his son Jorah, given that Jorah would have made a good and tough leader on Bear Island. Sadly, Jorah’s dishonor of the family made Jeor reclaim their ancestral sword Longclaw (which he would gift to Jon Snow for saving his life), and grant the seat of his house to his sister Maege (who would die at the Red Wedding, hence why it is now under her 10 year old daughter Lyanna’s commands).
03 – Oberyn Martell

What Makes Him A Good Father:
– Fierce Warrior & Teacher To His Daughter
– Also A Great Uncle & Brother: Heads To Kings Landing To Avenge His Sister, Nephew & Niece’s Deaths.
Since Dorne doesn’t look down on children born outside of matrimony, Oberyn Martell had undying love for his many bastard daughters, the Sand Snakes. While the show failed to portray them properly, the books does present them as disciplined and well trained warriors, all stemming from the education and training from their father, the Red Viper.
02 – The Night King

– Adopts Craster’s Abandoned Sons
A very odd entry indeed since the Night King, as far as we know, is the penultimate villain in the entire series, putting the entire realm of men at risk. Yet, if we only focus on how he takes care of his own, he takes abandoned kids from Craster and turns them into one of his very own White Walker for his own army/family.
01 – Ned Stark

– Honorable Man
– Sacrificed His Honor For The Love He Bore To His Children (And His Sister As Well 20 Years Prior)
Need we say more? Ned Stark, from the moment he is introduced is presented as a man of honor who loves his family and his children dearly. While he never compromised his honor during his tenure as the Hand of the King, we did get to witness him sacrifice it all at the Sept of Baelor, only for the sake and safety of his 2 daughter Arya and Sansa. And as it turns out, it wasn’t the first time he had sacrificed it for love of family, the first time being at the Tower of Joy where he took care of his sister’s infant and raised it as his own, all the while keeping his identity a secret for all these years. In the end, both his honor and his love of family are what cost him his head.
Make Sure To Also Check 10 Terrible Fathers In Game Of Thrones