With so many character, it was only a matter of time for Game Of Thrones to start recasting some of their characters. Oddly enough, recasts started occurring as early as the very first season, some due to actors leaving for other projects, not realizing how big the show would become, others simply to have more experienced actors take over roles that would be less prominent at first. Here 10 characters that had different actors portray them in the series:
13 – Dickon Tarly

Played By:
– Freddie Stroma (Season 6)
– Tom Hopper (Season 7)
Freddie Stroma, from the “Harry Potter” movies, had been cast to portray Samwell’s little brother. He made a very brief appearance in Season 6 where the Tarlys were being introduced. He partook in that awkward dinner with Sam, Gilly and the rest of the family. That dinner where the family patriarch, Randyl Tarly finally showed how much of a bad father he is to Samwell.
Unfortunately, due to a scheduling conflict, the character had to be recast for the short appearance he were to have in Season 7 by “Black Sails” actor Tom Hopper.
12 – Tommen Baratheon

Played By:
– Callum Wharry (Seasons 1-3)
– Dean-Charles-Chapman-Tommen (Seasons 4 – )
The Boy King was more of a background character in Seasons 1 to 3. When it came time for him to be king following Joffrey’s death, the producers decided to recast him with a more experienced actor. Oddly enough, they chose Dean Charles Chapman who had already played another Lannister in season 3: Martyn Lannister, Kevan Lannister’s second child, killed by Rickard Karstark as retribution for the death of his own son by the hands of Martyn’s cousin, Jaime Lannister.
11 – Myrcella Baratheon

Played By:
– Aimee Richardson (Seasons 1,2)
– Nell Tiger Free (Season 5)
Just like her younger brother, Myrcella was more of a background character in seasons 1 and 2, before Tyrion sent her to Dorne for both her safety, and the loyalty of the Martells. Given she was to have a more prominent role in season 5, the producers decided to have her recast by more experienced actress Nell Tiger Free. Her performance did the character justice, despite her untimely death, which has yet to occur in the books.
10 – Selyse Baratheon

Played By:
– Sarah McKeever (Season 2 – Uncredited)
– Tara Fitzgerald (Seasons 3-5)
Another Baratheon to be recast. Well…. an actual one, by marriage that is. Selyse Baratheon, born Selyse Florent, is Stannis Baratheon’s wife. Actress Sarah McKeever portrayed the character in a brief uncredited cameo in the second season premiere. She stood in the background while Melisandre, Stannis and Davos Seaworth were being introduced as new characters in the series.
She was recast in season 3 by Tara Fitzgerald when it was time to cast a more experienced actress in order to portray the devout follower of the Lord of Light.
9 – The Three-Eyed Raven (Brynden Rivers)

Played By:
– Struan Rodger (Season 4)
– Max Von Sydow (Season 6)
The Three Eyed Raven, real name Bryden Rivers, has been calling Bran Stark to meet him beyond the Wall all through Seasons 3 and 4. Bran finally reaches his cave at the end of season 4. He is now played by veteran actor Max Von Sydow in season 6 to train Bran how to use the Weirwood trees for visions, both of the past and the future.
8 – Berric Dondarrion

Played By:
– David Michael Scott (Season 1)
– Richard Dormer (Seasons 4 – )
Berric Danderrion, one of Robert Baratheon’s loyal bannerman had a quick appearance in season 1 where he was sent to kill Gregore Clegane for his crimes in the Riverlands. We see him again in season 3 recast and completely shattered as he’s been resurrected 5 times by Thoros of Myr, a 6th one after the Hound kills him in a Trial by Combat.
7 – Rattleshirt aka “Lord Of Bones”

Played By:
– Edvard Dogliani (Seasons 2,3)
– Ross O’Henessy (Season 5)
The Lord of Bones is seen in Seasons 2 and 3 where he leads the cohort of Wildlings that captures Jon Snow and brings him to Mance Rayder. Whereas in the books he dies burning at the stake by Melisandre in lieu of Mance, the show had him at Hardhome, recast, and killed right after he taunts Tormund Giantsbane one too many times.
6 – The Night King

Played By:
– Richard Brake (Seasons 4,5)
– Vladimir Furdik (Seasons 6 – )
The ultimate villain of the entire series who made a very brief appearance in the fourth season, shocking book readers watching the show. While he is mentioned in the books, he hasn’t yet appeared. His power and the reach of his army were felt in the Season 5 episode “Hardhome” where they attacked and pretty much massacred most of the wildlings and brothers of the Nights Watch.
The was eventually recast between shootings of the 5th and 6th season by Vladimir Furdik, who would also portray the First Men that would be transformed by the Children of the Forest into the Night King.
5 – Joss, Squire To Gregor “The Mountain” Clegane

Played By:
– Unknown Extra (Season 1)
– Unknown Extra (Season 4)
Ser Gregor Clegane’s squire has been seen twice in the series. Once during the Tourney of the Hand where he brings him his sword to decapitate his losing stallion, and in the Trial by Combat for Tyrion Lannister’s life where he helps him with his equipment. Both roles were played by non-speaking extras.
4 – Rickard Karstark

Played By:
– Steven Blount (Season 1)
– John Stahl(Seasons 2,3)
Rickard Karstark, one of Robb Stark’s loyal bannerman was also recast after the first season. Given the tension that would accrue between him and The King in the North during the War of Five Kings, Blount’s portrayal did indeed showcase more rage and anger towards prisoner Jaime Lannister. He also foreshadows the Young Wolf’s demise when he bluntly tells him “You lost the war the day you married her”.
3 – Jaqen H’ghar / The Kindly Man

Played By:
– Tom Wlaschiha (Seasons 2, 5, 6)
– Patrick O’Kane (Jaqen’s Other Face in Season 2)
– Cedric Henderson (The Kindly Man in Season 5)
A weird entry as the Faceless Men are not technically a person per se, they are “No One”. While not exactly a recast, Jaqen H’ghar, as he is presented in the second season changes his face in front of Arya, as does the Kindly Man at the doors of The House Of Black And White in Braavos.
2 – Gregor “The Mountain” Clegane

Played By:
– Conan Stevens (Season 1)
– Ian Whyte (Season 2)
– Hafthór Júlíus Björnsson (Seasons 4 – )
“The Mountain That Rides” has been the character with the most recasts thus far. Conan Stevens’ height (7′) and menacing face made him a good candidate for the role, but he left to pursue other acting gigs (The Hobbit to be precise). Ian Whyte’s short appearance worked due to his height (at 7’1″, he is the tallest of the three) and his rugged voice. When Hafthór Júlíus Björnsson came in to fill in that role in season 4, the show finally had settled on a Mountain that looks the part (“Thor” stands at 6’9″ and is the strongest man on Earth), and delivered in the Trial by Combat against Oberyn Martell.
1 – Daario Naharis

Played By:
– Ed Skrein (Season 3)
– Michiel Huisman (Seasons 4-6 )
The Recast that had many fans confused at first when the first episode of Season 4 aired. Ed Skrein, whose portrayal of Daario in season 3 matched the character in terms of cockiness and personality, had left to pursue other acting jobs (The Transporter Reboot), and had been replaced by Dutch actor Michiel Huisman. While Huisman looks more the part, both actors were heavily toned down from its book description.
I loved Tom W and hate that he won’t be there any more!
Clegane’s horse in the Tourney was a stallion, not a mare, which is why he was riled up by Loras’ mare being in heat….
The battle of the bastards episode was the best! Im still trying to understand whats going on with so many kingdoms and kings but l wont stop watching. Love all the female characters! Cant wait for the next season to begin!
Hah! Well, Gracie, each season I’ve rewatched the previous seasons multiple times (6, to date) and learn or notice something new each time. Battle of the Bastards and the Red Wedding (not the actual title) are two of the best, but too many great episodes to be honest. I think the Daario switch was most disconcerting, but its interensting when one goes back and rewatches that you note statements or actions that are pertinent that you might have missed at first. Cant wait for July! 😉
(in reply to Gracie)Heh you forgot they recast Kaitlyn Stark as well.
Indeed. Daenerys as well, but that was in the un-aired pilot.
(in reply to Keith Gatchalian)I hate it when they recast a favorite character. It confuses the viewers and it makes it hard to follow the story. It’s so gay when they do that. They should have those actors bound to a contract so that they commit to the role.
Thor is the second strongest man on earth – that title currently goes to Eddie ‘The Beast’ Hall.